Dear PyGui’s Documentation

About DPG

Dear PyGui is an easy-to-use, dynamic, GPU-Accelerated, cross-platform graphical user interface toolkit(GUI) for Python. It is “built with” Dear ImGui.

Features include traditional GUI elements such as buttons, radio buttons, menus and various methods to create a functional layout.

Additionally, DPG has an incredible assortment of dynamic plots, tables, drawings, debugger, and multiple resource viewers.

DPG is well suited for creating simple user interfaces as well as developing complex and demanding graphical interfaces.

DPG offers a solid framework for developing scientific, engineering, gaming, data science and other applications that require fast and interactive interfaces.

Quick Start

If you’re ready to start using DPG visit the First Steps in tutorials.

The Tutorials will provide a great overview and links to each topic in the API Reference for more detailed reading.

However, use the API reference for the most detailed documentation on any specific topic.


Live Demo:

A mostly complete showcase of DPG can be found by running the show_demo command in the dearpygui.demo module.

Internal Documentation:

Run show_documentation

API Reference Guide:

Online API Reference